Mommy just read a horrible story: someone in the city of Rochester threw away two dogs in the garbage.
Two alive dogs!
The news said that the dogs were very skinny and not well at all, and they were squished into a trash can with the garbage. One of them even had the garbage can lid closed on him! You can see the pictures of the dogs on the news website. Mommy says it makes her too sad to look at them and she's glad they are getting taken care of now.
The police came and took the dogs to Lollypop Farm so they could be taken care of right away. And then they went to find the bad lady who they think owned the dogs and threw them away.
Just in case you didn't know, you are supposed to take care of your puppies and feed them and love them and keep them healthy. Your puppies will then love you and protect you and snuggle under your blankets with you when you go to bed.
You are not supposed to put your puppies into the garbage can. If you don't want to take care of them any more, you should take them to Lollypop Farm where some nice family will adopt them and give them a good home.
I hope when the find the bad person who did that to the dogs that the police put her into a garbage can and close the lid on her.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
A bird dies in our yard
Today is a sad day at the funny farm.
Mommy took me and Scout to the park to play and when we got home we played some water dog for a while. Then Mommy saw a little baby bird in the dirt and it was struggling to get up. So she picked it up and put it in the grass to see if it's mommy would come for it.
Then she took us crazy dogs into the house while she got dressed to she could take the birdie to the special vet who takes care of little baby birdies who fall out of their nest. She got a little box and put in some paper towel.
But when she got back outside the little birdie was dead. Mommy was inside only for a few minutes, but Mommy said he was probably so hurt or sick that there wasn't anything we could do.
That makes me feel sad. We have a lot of birds in our yard, even though Mommy doesn't feed them much anymore because I eat all the bird seed that falls onto the ground and then I poop it out and it is not comfortable to poop out a bunch of bird seed, just in case you didn't know.
So our day started on a super fun note with the park and water dog, but then it was sad because a birdie died.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Mommy took me and Scout to the park to play and when we got home we played some water dog for a while. Then Mommy saw a little baby bird in the dirt and it was struggling to get up. So she picked it up and put it in the grass to see if it's mommy would come for it.
Then she took us crazy dogs into the house while she got dressed to she could take the birdie to the special vet who takes care of little baby birdies who fall out of their nest. She got a little box and put in some paper towel.
But when she got back outside the little birdie was dead. Mommy was inside only for a few minutes, but Mommy said he was probably so hurt or sick that there wasn't anything we could do.
That makes me feel sad. We have a lot of birds in our yard, even though Mommy doesn't feed them much anymore because I eat all the bird seed that falls onto the ground and then I poop it out and it is not comfortable to poop out a bunch of bird seed, just in case you didn't know.
So our day started on a super fun note with the park and water dog, but then it was sad because a birdie died.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The ghost puppy is back
When Mommy got up this morning she saw that during the night someone had pooped in the foyer.
Me and Scout know who did it but we're not talking.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Me and Scout know who did it but we're not talking.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Disney World opens pet resort
It has super VIP suites, a dog park where you can romp with your mommy, playtime, a spa and even a dog only water park!
It sounds like a great vacation for dogs. I wonder if Pluto will be there?
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
day camp,
Walt Disney World

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Princess Abby is the World's Ugliest Dog
Princess Abby takes home the title of World's Ugliest Dog.
(Photo credit Grace Chon/Shine Pet Photos,
That's because even though the contest judges thought she was ugly, they really loved her and her story. Because five months ago Princess Abby was in a shelter.
She is a funny looking dog. Her back legs are way longer than her front legs, so she stands and walks funny. And he can't see out of one eye.
But she loves her mommy so much and that makes her beautiful! You can read more about the World's Ugliest Dog contest on Mommy's blog.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Mommy drinks some wine but dogs don't whine
Last night after we got home from training class, Mommy had something called wine. I don't know why because she doesn't like when me and Scout whine.
But she liked it when she drank it and had another glass. Then Cassie came over to have Mommy help her fix a dress. Cassie said Mommy was acting very silly and she was making Cassie laugh.
Then Mommy got tired and said, Gee I guess I should have had dinner before I wined.
So if you are a dog, whine gets you in trouble. But if you are a Mommy, wine makes you silly.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
But she liked it when she drank it and had another glass. Then Cassie came over to have Mommy help her fix a dress. Cassie said Mommy was acting very silly and she was making Cassie laugh.
Then Mommy got tired and said, Gee I guess I should have had dinner before I wined.
So if you are a dog, whine gets you in trouble. But if you are a Mommy, wine makes you silly.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Bandit meets some puppies who look just like him, and updates on therapy dog training
Before training class last night, which I will tell you about in a minute, me and Mommy went to our favorite pet store, Pet Saver Superstore in Greece.
And guess what? I met puppies that look like me! Except that are not related to me at all.
Their names are Dexter and Kyra and they are Australian Shepherds. The smaller puppy is Dexter. Aren't they pretty?
And guess what? I met puppies that look like me! Except that are not related to me at all.
Their names are Dexter and Kyra and they are Australian Shepherds. The smaller puppy is Dexter. Aren't they pretty?
I met a lot of dogs in the pet store. It was Puppy Central.
After the pet store, me and Mommy went to visit Kathy for my therapy dog training. Last week, I was the only dog but we're in a new class now, and I am not the only dog. But I am the odd ball dog.
There are three golden retrievers and they are all related. And there are three bull terriers and they are all related. And then there's me.
And except for Kathy's golden retriever and me, the other dogs are all intact. Mommy says that means they are all able to have or make puppies. Which means I'm also pretty much an oddball.
But that's OK, because I did really good in class last night! I obeyed and did the practice test and let Mommy go away for a whole minute. I even let Kathy use a brush on my butt and I didn't bite her.
So who knows? Maybe I will be a therapy dog after all!
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Pet Saver Superstore,
pet therapy,

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Mommy new machine makes popcorn with magic
Yesterday Mommy brought home a machine that uses magic to make a special treat.
She put some little seeds into the top and plugged it in. You could hear the seeds jumping around inside because the machine got hot, and after a few minutes, grown up popcorn came out!
The machine sounded like the vacuum cleaner, so we were a little scared at first, but then we saw all of the fluffy popcorn jumping out and onto the floor and weren't scared any more.
We experimented with white popcorn seeds and with yellow popcorn seeds and we think the white popcorn tastes better. But the seeds make smaller fluffs than the yellow popcorn seeds. Mommy said that might be because the white popcorn seeds have been in the cupboard since Jesus was in his manger.
Anyway, you should try the magic popcorn making machine. It's fast and fun and your dogs can eat all of the popcorn that falls on the floor!
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
She put some little seeds into the top and plugged it in. You could hear the seeds jumping around inside because the machine got hot, and after a few minutes, grown up popcorn came out!
The machine sounded like the vacuum cleaner, so we were a little scared at first, but then we saw all of the fluffy popcorn jumping out and onto the floor and weren't scared any more.
We experimented with white popcorn seeds and with yellow popcorn seeds and we think the white popcorn tastes better. But the seeds make smaller fluffs than the yellow popcorn seeds. Mommy said that might be because the white popcorn seeds have been in the cupboard since Jesus was in his manger.
Anyway, you should try the magic popcorn making machine. It's fast and fun and your dogs can eat all of the popcorn that falls on the floor!
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Wild Water Dog (video)
Mommy got the video camera out to make a movie of me playing in the pool. Scout decided to tell her a story while I splashed around.
I am a Wild Water Dog!!
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
New paintings
We did some painting this weekend. These are our new creations:
This is called Lori Love, because Mommy was thinking about our friend
Super Cool Lori Lenz when she put the colors on the paper.
This is called That's A Lot Of Bubbles.
Scout did most of the work on this one.
This is not titled but it looks a little like a heart butterfly.
We call this painting Bark.
Because that's what we were doing when we painted it.
Scout picked the colors on this one. Mommy put all of
the paints onto the floor and let him pick which colors to use.
And this is Water Dog!!
Mommy is going to scan all of our paintings into her computer and then make notecards. She thought maybe we could sell some pictures to raise money for charities. We'll keep you posted!
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Photo of Bandit with his tongue out - again
I don't know why Mommy and Daddy think it's so funny that sometimes I like to sleep with my tongue sticking out. They always laugh and take my picture.
I do that in case I need to taste something while I am sleeping. This way, I don't miss anything good. I think that's very smart, don't you?
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
How to pet a dog
Whenever me and Scout and Mommy go for walks people want to pet us puppies. They think we're cute, I guess.
Except you should know that most people do not know how to pet a dog. They do things that will make them someday get bit by a dog.
So I thought I would tell you the right way to pet a dog.
1) DO NOT ever try to pet a dog you do not know, and then only pet him if the dog's mommy or daddy says it is OK. We have lots of friends who are really super nice dogs, but even they will bite if they are scared. And trust me, a little child coming at you with her hands held up to plonk you on the head is very scary.
2) Do not look a dog right in the eyes. Just in case you didn't know, in dog language looking a dog directly into the eyes means, Hey, I want to be the boss of you. Let's fight it out to see who will be the boss. And if you are wearing sunglasses and a dog can't see your eyes, that makes us very, very nervous, because we can't read your face to know if you are a friend or a meanie. So take off the sunglasses.
3) Do not pat a dog on the head. First, we hate it because it does not feel good. Also, in dog language patting a dog on the head is another way of saying, I want to be the boss of you. And sometimes that means we are supposed to fight to figure out who is going to be the boss. We let our mommies and daddies pat us on the head but we don't always like it. We are a family and they are the boss of us and we're OK with that, as long as they keep the biscuits coming.
4) If you meet a dog and his mommy says you can pet him, the first thing you should do is wait until the mommy says, OK, now you can pet my dog. Maybe the mommy needs to make the doggy sit and get him ready to be pet. And you don't want to scare him.
5) When people meet, they use words to introduce themselves. But to a dog, words are just a lot of blah, blah, blah. Us dogs use smell to get to know each other. I can sniff your clothes and know what other dogs you pet, what you ate for dinner, where you have been and if I've been there too, and if you are a nice person or not. So when you meet a dog, turn sideways a little so you are not scary, and let the dog sniff your hand or your purse or leg or something before you try to pet him.
6) Just in case you forgot already, dogs do not really like to be pet on the top of their heads. We put our paws on each other's necks and heads to say, Let's wrestle to see who is the boss. But we like to be pet on the side of our face, our chests, and with soft strokes from our neck to our tail. But you should ask the dog's mommy where her dog would most like to be pet. Because she pets him all the time and knows his favorite spots.
7) DO NOT try to hug a dog. Little children like to try and hug me and Scout all the time. But hugging a dog around the neck is the same as trying to strangle us or make yourself the boss of us. And you will definitely get bit if you do that. If you were walking down the street and a stranger came up to you and hugged you around the neck, that would NOT be fun, would it?
8) When you go to pet a dog, do not keep jerking your hands back every time our nose touches you. I don't know why people do that. But it is like teasing us and it makes us think you are trying to make us mad. Or that you have a biscuit you are trying to keep from us. And if you are like me, you will try and get that biscuit, even if it means taking a finger with it!
9) DO NOT try to pet a dog that is barking. Because even if a dog doesn't want to bite you, he might bite you on accident. Especially if you put your arm into his barking mouth.
10) Do not feel bad if you ask to pet a dog and the mommy says No. That is because sometimes dogs don't like to be pet, or they might be working or training and shouldn't be distracted. And just because you pet a dog yesterday does not mean you should just walk up to it and pet it today without asking its mommy. Dogs have bad days just like people. So maybe yesterday we felt OK being pet but today we feel cranky and will bite you.
So there you go! To pet a dog, ask his mommy, turn sideways and don't look right into our eyes, let us sniff you, and don't plonk us on the head.
Bandit & Scout (and our puppy pals)
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Except you should know that most people do not know how to pet a dog. They do things that will make them someday get bit by a dog.
So I thought I would tell you the right way to pet a dog.
1) DO NOT ever try to pet a dog you do not know, and then only pet him if the dog's mommy or daddy says it is OK. We have lots of friends who are really super nice dogs, but even they will bite if they are scared. And trust me, a little child coming at you with her hands held up to plonk you on the head is very scary.
2) Do not look a dog right in the eyes. Just in case you didn't know, in dog language looking a dog directly into the eyes means, Hey, I want to be the boss of you. Let's fight it out to see who will be the boss. And if you are wearing sunglasses and a dog can't see your eyes, that makes us very, very nervous, because we can't read your face to know if you are a friend or a meanie. So take off the sunglasses.
3) Do not pat a dog on the head. First, we hate it because it does not feel good. Also, in dog language patting a dog on the head is another way of saying, I want to be the boss of you. And sometimes that means we are supposed to fight to figure out who is going to be the boss. We let our mommies and daddies pat us on the head but we don't always like it. We are a family and they are the boss of us and we're OK with that, as long as they keep the biscuits coming.
4) If you meet a dog and his mommy says you can pet him, the first thing you should do is wait until the mommy says, OK, now you can pet my dog. Maybe the mommy needs to make the doggy sit and get him ready to be pet. And you don't want to scare him.
5) When people meet, they use words to introduce themselves. But to a dog, words are just a lot of blah, blah, blah. Us dogs use smell to get to know each other. I can sniff your clothes and know what other dogs you pet, what you ate for dinner, where you have been and if I've been there too, and if you are a nice person or not. So when you meet a dog, turn sideways a little so you are not scary, and let the dog sniff your hand or your purse or leg or something before you try to pet him.
6) Just in case you forgot already, dogs do not really like to be pet on the top of their heads. We put our paws on each other's necks and heads to say, Let's wrestle to see who is the boss. But we like to be pet on the side of our face, our chests, and with soft strokes from our neck to our tail. But you should ask the dog's mommy where her dog would most like to be pet. Because she pets him all the time and knows his favorite spots.
7) DO NOT try to hug a dog. Little children like to try and hug me and Scout all the time. But hugging a dog around the neck is the same as trying to strangle us or make yourself the boss of us. And you will definitely get bit if you do that. If you were walking down the street and a stranger came up to you and hugged you around the neck, that would NOT be fun, would it?
8) When you go to pet a dog, do not keep jerking your hands back every time our nose touches you. I don't know why people do that. But it is like teasing us and it makes us think you are trying to make us mad. Or that you have a biscuit you are trying to keep from us. And if you are like me, you will try and get that biscuit, even if it means taking a finger with it!
9) DO NOT try to pet a dog that is barking. Because even if a dog doesn't want to bite you, he might bite you on accident. Especially if you put your arm into his barking mouth.
10) Do not feel bad if you ask to pet a dog and the mommy says No. That is because sometimes dogs don't like to be pet, or they might be working or training and shouldn't be distracted. And just because you pet a dog yesterday does not mean you should just walk up to it and pet it today without asking its mommy. Dogs have bad days just like people. So maybe yesterday we felt OK being pet but today we feel cranky and will bite you.
So there you go! To pet a dog, ask his mommy, turn sideways and don't look right into our eyes, let us sniff you, and don't plonk us on the head.
Bandit & Scout (and our puppy pals)
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Bandit goes to therapy dog school
So I had a BIG adventure today with Mommy. It was so big that last night I even had to have a bath to get ready for it.
First, Mommy and me went to the Pet Saver Superstore to get biscuits. I love that store and they love me there.
Then ... I went to school today to learn how to be a therapy dog like my big brother Scout!
Scout told me that it would be fun and there would be other dogs there and I would have a good time.
But it was just me and Mommy and Kathy the teacher today because the other dogs didn't show up. And Mommy and Kathy just talked and talked and I just sniffed and sniffed and explored because there was A LOT of great dog smells there.
Then I showed Kathy some of the stuff I know how to do, like sit and stay. I am very good at some of that stuff.
Then came a very not fun part. Mommy handed my leash to Kathy and then she left! She left me alone with Kathy! I was not happy. Kathy says I need to work on being able to be away from Mommy for three minutes. I didn't make 20 seconds today.
Anyway, next week we'll go to a different class with a lot of other dogs and I am very excited about that. Scout told me Kathy was the nicest dog lady he knows and he is right. I peed inside the building but Kathy said I still can come back to class.
When we got home, Mommy said I didn't have to be clean any more so ... you know what happened, don't you ... WATER DOG!! Me and Scout got soaking wet and filthy dirty and it was the best part of my whole week.
I think that instead of reading with dogs kids should play water dog with us. That would be good therapy.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
First, Mommy and me went to the Pet Saver Superstore to get biscuits. I love that store and they love me there.
Then ... I went to school today to learn how to be a therapy dog like my big brother Scout!
Scout told me that it would be fun and there would be other dogs there and I would have a good time.
But it was just me and Mommy and Kathy the teacher today because the other dogs didn't show up. And Mommy and Kathy just talked and talked and I just sniffed and sniffed and explored because there was A LOT of great dog smells there.
Then I showed Kathy some of the stuff I know how to do, like sit and stay. I am very good at some of that stuff.
Then came a very not fun part. Mommy handed my leash to Kathy and then she left! She left me alone with Kathy! I was not happy. Kathy says I need to work on being able to be away from Mommy for three minutes. I didn't make 20 seconds today.
Anyway, next week we'll go to a different class with a lot of other dogs and I am very excited about that. Scout told me Kathy was the nicest dog lady he knows and he is right. I peed inside the building but Kathy said I still can come back to class.
When we got home, Mommy said I didn't have to be clean any more so ... you know what happened, don't you ... WATER DOG!! Me and Scout got soaking wet and filthy dirty and it was the best part of my whole week.
I think that instead of reading with dogs kids should play water dog with us. That would be good therapy.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
pet therapy,
Therapy Dog,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Daddy takes pictures of us with his secret deer camera
Daddy was practicing with his deer in the woods camera and took pictures of us, and we didn't even know it! Mommy said we are NOT to show any pictures of her in her shorts but here are some pictures Daddy took of us. He even took one of himself!
The camera is supposed to hang in a tree and take pictures of deer in the woods. I hope he gets some funny pictures of deers doing silly things, like making faces at his camera or dancing a tango. That would be a fun surprise for him to find on his camera!
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
The camera is supposed to hang in a tree and take pictures of deer in the woods. I hope he gets some funny pictures of deers doing silly things, like making faces at his camera or dancing a tango. That would be a fun surprise for him to find on his camera!
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Mommy is at her wit's end with Bandit
So you know that yesterday Mommy took us for a walk around town so we could pee on every tree and lightpost and I peed on Mommy.
Well, Mommy called Dr. Hawkins and said she is at her wit's end with me. I don't know what that means but if she's going on a trip over the end of a wit, I want to go with her.
Dr. Hawkins said that maybe I'm just peeing on everything because I'm bad, but maybe I really do have an infection where I go potty. So even though Dr. Herrema looked at my potty last week, I had to go back to the doctors to get something she called a sterile urine sample.
That was not fun. They stick a tube up in you to take out some pee pee potty. But it was over quick and they said I was a good boy. I don't think I had much of a choice since they had me by the you know what.
Then the rest of the day we played water dog and Daddy came home and played frisbee and we just had a lot of fun in the sun.
But today I woke up, had breakfast, and then stole a loaf of bread off the counter. Mommy put me right into my crate for being bad. Then she went to work on her computer. A little while later she said to Scout, Gee, Bandit is being so quiet. I wonder where he is.
She forgot I was in my crate. Which is not a very good sign that today will be a very good day.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Well, Mommy called Dr. Hawkins and said she is at her wit's end with me. I don't know what that means but if she's going on a trip over the end of a wit, I want to go with her.
Dr. Hawkins said that maybe I'm just peeing on everything because I'm bad, but maybe I really do have an infection where I go potty. So even though Dr. Herrema looked at my potty last week, I had to go back to the doctors to get something she called a sterile urine sample.
That was not fun. They stick a tube up in you to take out some pee pee potty. But it was over quick and they said I was a good boy. I don't think I had much of a choice since they had me by the you know what.
Then the rest of the day we played water dog and Daddy came home and played frisbee and we just had a lot of fun in the sun.
But today I woke up, had breakfast, and then stole a loaf of bread off the counter. Mommy put me right into my crate for being bad. Then she went to work on her computer. A little while later she said to Scout, Gee, Bandit is being so quiet. I wonder where he is.
She forgot I was in my crate. Which is not a very good sign that today will be a very good day.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Dr Hawkins,
Dr Herrema,

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
We make new artwork
Me and Scout did some more painting this weekend. Here are our latest projects:
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Your pals,
Scout Monet and Bandit Picasso
Bandit is ungrounded and in trouble already
Yay!! Today I am ungrounded!!
Mommy took me and Scout for a nice walk around town. We peed on a lot of trees and light posts because it's been 10 days since we did that and we don't want anyone to forget us.
The town pool is open now, so we wanted to go there and run up and down the fence and bark at the kids who were swimming. But Mommy said NO.
So we walked and peed and walked and peed and walked and peed.
And while Scout was peeing on a lightpost, I walked by Mommy and lifted my leg on her sneaker.
Just in case you didn't know, you are NOT supposed to potty on your Mommy. Because if you do, you will be in trouble. Again.
Rats again.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Mommy took me and Scout for a nice walk around town. We peed on a lot of trees and light posts because it's been 10 days since we did that and we don't want anyone to forget us.
The town pool is open now, so we wanted to go there and run up and down the fence and bark at the kids who were swimming. But Mommy said NO.
So we walked and peed and walked and peed and walked and peed.
And while Scout was peeing on a lightpost, I walked by Mommy and lifted my leg on her sneaker.
Just in case you didn't know, you are NOT supposed to potty on your Mommy. Because if you do, you will be in trouble. Again.
Rats again.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Arts and Crafts at the Funny Farm
Yesterday Mommy played arts and crafts with me and Scout. We are learning how to paint!
These are our creations. We both helped each other a little but our paintings are mostly our own creations.
This one is mine. I did a good job, didn't I?
Here Scout is checking his painting to make sure he likes it.
These are our creations. We both helped each other a little but our paintings are mostly our own creations.
This one is mine. I did a good job, didn't I?
This one is Scout's. He was having so much fun he ripped the paper, so I helped him to do that a little. He also had more blue paint on his picture but I licked it off.
Here Scout is checking his painting to make sure he likes it.
Here is how to paint with your puppies:
First get some paints. Mommy says Made in the USA paints!
Then put some paints on the paper.
Cover the paper with waxed paper or maybe plastic. We're still experimenting to see what works best.
Then let your puppy step on it or roll a ball over it or sniff it and fun stuff like that. Or if you are like us, jump on it and scratch it with your paws and put your teeth on the paper.
Let it dry.
Ta da! Puppy paintings!
Hang it up in a museum!
Bandit Picasso
PS did you know that our cousin Dali is named after a famous painter named Salvador Dali, who is her mommy's favorite artist? Just in case you didn't know.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Saturday update from Bandit
Here is the update on my week.
Cassie is still sick but she let Mommy come home to me. Dali is taking care of her mommy.
The chickens are feeling better but Coco is not acting like the boss of everyone anymore. She might have gotten voted out of that job while she was sick.
Daddy is older this week but he still looks like the same daddy. We had steak and scallops for his birthday and gave him a present that he will take back to the store because that's his favorite part about birthday presents.
Scout is being mean to me. He won't let me have his treats and he showed me his teeth when I tried to take his Kong after I was done with mine. And Mommy didn't even yell at him.
And just in case you were wondering, I am still grounded.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Cassie is still sick but she let Mommy come home to me. Dali is taking care of her mommy.
The chickens are feeling better but Coco is not acting like the boss of everyone anymore. She might have gotten voted out of that job while she was sick.
Daddy is older this week but he still looks like the same daddy. We had steak and scallops for his birthday and gave him a present that he will take back to the store because that's his favorite part about birthday presents.
Scout is being mean to me. He won't let me have his treats and he showed me his teeth when I tried to take his Kong after I was done with mine. And Mommy didn't even yell at him.
And just in case you were wondering, I am still grounded.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Cassie is sick and Mommy is gone. Again.
Poor Cassie is sick again so Mommy went to stay with her to help her not barf so much. I did not get to go with Mommy, even though me and Dali would have had some fun times helping her mommy play Mystery Barf.
Although we did have some fun arts and crafts times today. Mommy is teaching me and Scout how to use finger paints.
So I'm stuck in my crate. Again.
I hope Cassie feels better soon so I can have Mommy back.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Although we did have some fun arts and crafts times today. Mommy is teaching me and Scout how to use finger paints.
So I'm stuck in my crate. Again.
I hope Cassie feels better soon so I can have Mommy back.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Hola, Senor Fluffy Butt!
Last night me and Scout both got to be Senor Fluffy Butts!
Senor Fluffy Butt is what happens when Mommy scratches and scratches the fur on our back legs and then our behinds and our tails until it is all fluffy and standing up all over. Then you are Senor Fluffy Butt!
I love a good Senor Fluffy Butt scratch but Scout doesn't usually like Mommy to rub his fur too much. But last night I told him to try it and he loved it!
It feels really great to have your legs and behind scratched like that. But it only works on dogs. Not on people.
Senor Fluffy Butt (haha, it's just me, Bandit!)
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Senor Fluffy Butt is what happens when Mommy scratches and scratches the fur on our back legs and then our behinds and our tails until it is all fluffy and standing up all over. Then you are Senor Fluffy Butt!
I love a good Senor Fluffy Butt scratch but Scout doesn't usually like Mommy to rub his fur too much. But last night I told him to try it and he loved it!
It feels really great to have your legs and behind scratched like that. But it only works on dogs. Not on people.
Senor Fluffy Butt (haha, it's just me, Bandit!)
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Senor Fluffy Butt

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The mailman strikes again and Mommy takes a picture of the jailbird dogs
You are not going to believe what happened yesterday. I almost got in big trouble again.
Mommy and Scout weren't home and Daddy was outside working on the chicken coop, so I was just hanging around the driveway waiting for Mommy to come home.
Then the mailman came. So I barked. And instead of putting the mail on the porch where he's supposed to put the mail from now on, he came to the fence, leaned over, and put the mail on the mailbox, which is now on the ground waiting to get hung back up someplace safe away from dogs.
I was at the fence. He leaned over. So I jumped up to say hello and my teeth almost got on his face.
The mailman told Daddy that I almost bit him. When Daddy told Mommy she was MAD because if I accidentally bit the mailman we would have some big trouble. And it would have all been his fault.
So Mommy called his boss and tattled on him and asked that all of the mailmen stay far away from the dogs.
And to make sure, Mommy made a bunch of signs with arrows pointing to the mail box so they won't forget where to put the mail. And she also put these scary Beware Of The Dog signs on the fence.
Gee, do we look that scary? We just look like jailbird dogs. Boo on being grounded.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Mommy and Scout weren't home and Daddy was outside working on the chicken coop, so I was just hanging around the driveway waiting for Mommy to come home.
Then the mailman came. So I barked. And instead of putting the mail on the porch where he's supposed to put the mail from now on, he came to the fence, leaned over, and put the mail on the mailbox, which is now on the ground waiting to get hung back up someplace safe away from dogs.
I was at the fence. He leaned over. So I jumped up to say hello and my teeth almost got on his face.
The mailman told Daddy that I almost bit him. When Daddy told Mommy she was MAD because if I accidentally bit the mailman we would have some big trouble. And it would have all been his fault.
So Mommy called his boss and tattled on him and asked that all of the mailmen stay far away from the dogs.
And to make sure, Mommy made a bunch of signs with arrows pointing to the mail box so they won't forget where to put the mail. And she also put these scary Beware Of The Dog signs on the fence.
Gee, do we look that scary? We just look like jailbird dogs. Boo on being grounded.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Bandit is driving Mommy crazy
Mommy said today that I am going to make her have to go live at the hospital for crazy people.
What? All I did was pee in the house.
I was walking around the house and was very busy thinking deep thoughts about biscuits, and I had to potty. So I just lifted my leg and peed on a chair as I walked through the dining room.
Mommy said NOOO and made me go outside. I don't know why. I didn't have to potty any more. So I just sat in the rain and looked at her until she was soaking wet and we went inside.
I think that Mommy is just going crazy on her own.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
What? All I did was pee in the house.
I was walking around the house and was very busy thinking deep thoughts about biscuits, and I had to potty. So I just lifted my leg and peed on a chair as I walked through the dining room.
Mommy said NOOO and made me go outside. I don't know why. I didn't have to potty any more. So I just sat in the rain and looked at her until she was soaking wet and we went inside.
I think that Mommy is just going crazy on her own.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Mommy takes Coco to the vet and the chickens are sick
Hi everyone. Bad news from the funny farm. The chickens are sick.
Mommy had to take Coco to see the doctor. It was not Dr. Hawkins or Dr. Braaten or even Dr. Herrema. They don't do medicine on chickens. So she had to find a different doctor. His name is Dr. Hall and he sees dogs and cats but also exotic pets, like monkeys. For real!
And guess what Mommy saw the vet's office? Two leopards!
Hahaha! Not real leopards. Did I fool you? Mommy saw a little Leopard Gecko named Godzilla. And she met this dog. His name is Pachacuti and he is a Catahoula Leopard Dog.
Mommy said he was a very nice dog. He sniffed Coco in her cage and then he kissed Mommy right on her lips!
Mommy talked to a lot of other people while she waited for eleventeen million hours. She talked to Rosco's daddy and the schnoodle's mommy. People thought it was funny that she had a chicken with her.
Then it was time for Coco to see the doctor. Dr. Hall didn't need to see all 8 hens which is good because they all wouldn't have fit in Murphy's cat carrier. Coco walked around in the examining room and made a big, gross poop right on the floor while she waited for the doctor. Blech. I'm glad I didn't get to go on this adventure.
The doctor gave Mommy some medicine for the hens so they should be better pretty soon.
Except it cost Mommy thirty-leven million dollars, Plus it cost forty-leven million dollars for me to go to the vet last week. So we have cost Mommy and Daddy a whole lot of money lately. It's a good thing they love us to much.
I am still grounded. Just in case you wanted to know.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Mommy had to take Coco to see the doctor. It was not Dr. Hawkins or Dr. Braaten or even Dr. Herrema. They don't do medicine on chickens. So she had to find a different doctor. His name is Dr. Hall and he sees dogs and cats but also exotic pets, like monkeys. For real!
And guess what Mommy saw the vet's office? Two leopards!
Hahaha! Not real leopards. Did I fool you? Mommy saw a little Leopard Gecko named Godzilla. And she met this dog. His name is Pachacuti and he is a Catahoula Leopard Dog.
Mommy talked to a lot of other people while she waited for eleventeen million hours. She talked to Rosco's daddy and the schnoodle's mommy. People thought it was funny that she had a chicken with her.
Then it was time for Coco to see the doctor. Dr. Hall didn't need to see all 8 hens which is good because they all wouldn't have fit in Murphy's cat carrier. Coco walked around in the examining room and made a big, gross poop right on the floor while she waited for the doctor. Blech. I'm glad I didn't get to go on this adventure.
The doctor gave Mommy some medicine for the hens so they should be better pretty soon.
Except it cost Mommy thirty-leven million dollars, Plus it cost forty-leven million dollars for me to go to the vet last week. So we have cost Mommy and Daddy a whole lot of money lately. It's a good thing they love us to much.
I am still grounded. Just in case you wanted to know.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Dr Braaten,
Dr Hawkins,
Dr Herrema,

Being grounded is very boring
Mommy got a letter today from the health department that said I have to stay inside my house for 10 days because I bit the mailman. That's to make sure I don't have rabies, even though I've had all of my rabies shots.
Rats. Mommy thought that I could have friends over, but I am not supposed to play with other dogs or visit people or have people visit me. I'm probably not even supposed to talk to Abby at the fence.
Boo on being grounded. It's boring and lonely.
Your lonely puppy pal,
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Rats. Mommy thought that I could have friends over, but I am not supposed to play with other dogs or visit people or have people visit me. I'm probably not even supposed to talk to Abby at the fence.
Boo on being grounded. It's boring and lonely.
Your lonely puppy pal,
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Monday, June 7, 2010
We have a new friend next door!
Guess what? Guess what?! Marcus, who lives next door with his wife Tina and their kids, came over yesterday to introduce us to the new member of their family: A DOG!!
Yay! We have our friend Abby in our backyard so we can touch noses through the fence, and now me and Scout have a new friend to play with through the other fence!
Her name is Sasha and she is a pug, beagle, Jack Russell, and other dog mix. She's three months old and she's not going to get a lot bigger than she is right now.
That means that now we have dogs all around us, except for Wayne's house. This is where our friends live:
PLUS we have a friend named Hera across the street from us!
Our neighborhood is Dog Central!!
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Yay! We have our friend Abby in our backyard so we can touch noses through the fence, and now me and Scout have a new friend to play with through the other fence!
Her name is Sasha and she is a pug, beagle, Jack Russell, and other dog mix. She's three months old and she's not going to get a lot bigger than she is right now.
That means that now we have dogs all around us, except for Wayne's house. This is where our friends live:
PLUS we have a friend named Hera across the street from us!
Our neighborhood is Dog Central!!
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
What a good dog looks like
Just in case you didn't know, this is what a good dog looks like.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Guess who's been peeing in the house?
Someone peed in Mommy's office yesterday, and since I peed in my crate this week, and pretended to pee a couple of times in the kitchen, everyone is blaming me.
I told Mommy and Daddy it is not me peeing! It's the ghost puppy!
Mommy's friends said she should take me to the doctor's to make sure I don't have in infection in my urine which is making me go potty in the house.
So she played water dog with me so I would fill up with water, and then she tried to stick a container under me to catch it when it came out. Except I didn't like it when she did that, so I would stop peeing after only a few drops.
She used Scout to show me how easy it was. When he pottied she caught it in the container. And guess what? His potty was a really funny color which made her wonder if maybe Scout was the one with the infected urine.
So she took my body and Scout's potty to see Dr. Herrema. (Dr. Hawkins has a day off; I hope she's playing water dog with her puppies!) I peed on the bushes and the nice girl who worked there caught it in a pan, and she gave it to Dr. Herrema so he could do experiments on both my pee and Scout's pee.
Here's what Dr. Herrema said.
Scout's pee was mostly normal, but he guessed that Scout holds his potty and doesn't go often enough, so that's why it was a funny color and has stuff in it. And Mommy said Yup. Sometimes Scout holds it from dinner to breakfast because he's afraid to go out in the dark.
Then Dr. Herrema said my pee was very watery, which means I drink a lot of water so I probably pee a lot. And even though Mommy didn't actually see me do it, if he had to guess who was peeing in the house, he would guess it's me.
Rats. Dr. Herrema tattled on me.
I think someone should experiment on the ghost puppy's pee just to make sure.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
I told Mommy and Daddy it is not me peeing! It's the ghost puppy!
Mommy's friends said she should take me to the doctor's to make sure I don't have in infection in my urine which is making me go potty in the house.
So she played water dog with me so I would fill up with water, and then she tried to stick a container under me to catch it when it came out. Except I didn't like it when she did that, so I would stop peeing after only a few drops.
She used Scout to show me how easy it was. When he pottied she caught it in the container. And guess what? His potty was a really funny color which made her wonder if maybe Scout was the one with the infected urine.
So she took my body and Scout's potty to see Dr. Herrema. (Dr. Hawkins has a day off; I hope she's playing water dog with her puppies!) I peed on the bushes and the nice girl who worked there caught it in a pan, and she gave it to Dr. Herrema so he could do experiments on both my pee and Scout's pee.
Here's what Dr. Herrema said.
Scout's pee was mostly normal, but he guessed that Scout holds his potty and doesn't go often enough, so that's why it was a funny color and has stuff in it. And Mommy said Yup. Sometimes Scout holds it from dinner to breakfast because he's afraid to go out in the dark.
Then Dr. Herrema said my pee was very watery, which means I drink a lot of water so I probably pee a lot. And even though Mommy didn't actually see me do it, if he had to guess who was peeing in the house, he would guess it's me.
Rats. Dr. Herrema tattled on me.
I think someone should experiment on the ghost puppy's pee just to make sure.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Dr Hawkins,
Dr Herrema,
ghost puppy,

A letter from Mommy
Dear Bandit and Scout,
This is your Mommy. I need you to be very good today, because I have a lot of work to do. I promise we'll play water dog later. But for now, I need to write so I can get paid. OK?
I love you very much,
* * * *
Dear Mommy,
This is your dog Bandit.
I will be as good as I can be. But I'm not making any promises.
PS Scout is taking a nap. So is Murphy. So you better hurry up and finish writing and come play with me. I don't know how long I can be good but the clock is ticking.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
This is your Mommy. I need you to be very good today, because I have a lot of work to do. I promise we'll play water dog later. But for now, I need to write so I can get paid. OK?
I love you very much,
* * * *
Dear Mommy,
This is your dog Bandit.
I will be as good as I can be. But I'm not making any promises.
PS Scout is taking a nap. So is Murphy. So you better hurry up and finish writing and come play with me. I don't know how long I can be good but the clock is ticking.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Bandit is grounded from the computer
Hi, everyone! Scout here!
Mommy has grounded Bandit from the computer. Not only did he bite the mailman and cause her a big giant headache today, he peed in her office. Then he did his usual stealing stuff from the stove and kitchen sink and then running around with papers from her desk.
So she said ENOUGH! And sent him to his crate for a while. Then she said if he can't behave, he can't blog.
Bandit is sad and promised to be good. Mommy said she'd see tomorrow if he can write again.
So for now I thought I'd tell you a story.
Once upon a time there was a bad dog named Bandit and a good dog named Scout. Mommy loved them both even though the bad dog made her head ache and her eye twitch. The End.
Your pal,
Scout (the GOOD dog!)
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Mommy has grounded Bandit from the computer. Not only did he bite the mailman and cause her a big giant headache today, he peed in her office. Then he did his usual stealing stuff from the stove and kitchen sink and then running around with papers from her desk.
So she said ENOUGH! And sent him to his crate for a while. Then she said if he can't behave, he can't blog.
Bandit is sad and promised to be good. Mommy said she'd see tomorrow if he can write again.
So for now I thought I'd tell you a story.
Once upon a time there was a bad dog named Bandit and a good dog named Scout. Mommy loved them both even though the bad dog made her head ache and her eye twitch. The End.
Your pal,
Scout (the GOOD dog!)
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Bandit gets grounded for biting the mailman
Mommy talked to the town dog warden (who, just in case you didn't know, is also the town chicken warden, who Mommy likes a lot but she knows she drives him crazy).
He said that even though I didn't make the mailman bleed he has to report what I did to the county dog police, where it will probably go on my permanent record.
He did say that I do not have to go to police headquarters to get paw printed or have a mug shot picture taken. I will not go to jail and they will not take me from my Mommy.
But he said I should stay at my own house for 10 days and not go visiting until this is all cleared up.
So I am grounded. Which means I can't go play at Grandma's or Aunt Rene's. Which isn't so bad. I like being home with Mommy. And I can find enough trouble to get in right in my own backyard.
So in the end it wasn't so bad. The mailman didn't get hurt too bad and Mommy has stopped crying and I do not have to go to jail.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
He said that even though I didn't make the mailman bleed he has to report what I did to the county dog police, where it will probably go on my permanent record.
He did say that I do not have to go to police headquarters to get paw printed or have a mug shot picture taken. I will not go to jail and they will not take me from my Mommy.
But he said I should stay at my own house for 10 days and not go visiting until this is all cleared up.
So I am grounded. Which means I can't go play at Grandma's or Aunt Rene's. Which isn't so bad. I like being home with Mommy. And I can find enough trouble to get in right in my own backyard.
So in the end it wasn't so bad. The mailman didn't get hurt too bad and Mommy has stopped crying and I do not have to go to jail.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Bandit didn't mean to nip the mailman
Uh oh. I did a really bad thing today. It's so bad I made Mommy cry.
Me and Scout were out playing in the backyard and we were running and playing and having a good old time. Then we saw the mailman coming so we ran to the fence to say hello.
It was not our regular mailman, Mike, so Scout was barking extra and I was jumping on the fence extra and barking extra and Mommy was just about to grab my collar to pull me off of the fence when the mailman reached over as I jumped up and oops. I kind of bit his arm.
I didn't mean to do it! Honest! It was an accident! I wasn't trying to be bad. Sometimes it just happens.
The mailman was reaching over the fence as I was jumping up. Mike the regular mailman never does that. He usually talks to Mommy for a minute while me and Scout sit, and then he gives her the mail.
This mailman was very mad that I got my teeth on his arm. And Mommy felt terrible that it happened. He left to go call his boss and Mommy went in to call the post office and let them know what happened.
Then Mommy was crying and crying and crying so she called Dr. Hawkins because she didn't know what else to do.
And then she went down the street where the mailman was next to make sure he wasn't bleeding. I guess he has a couple of tooth marks on his arm but Mommy said it is not as bad as she thought. He will have a few tooth marks but they will not have to cut his arm off. He was nice when he saw Mommy crying and said it was OK but Mommy said it's not OK and she feels terrible.
It gets even badder. Now the dog policeman has to come over and talk to me and Mommy to see if I am a mean dog or not. Dr. Hawkins says they probably won't put me in dog jail since I didn't bite the mailman on purpose and I'm not an aggressive dog. I do not want to go to dog jail. I hope they see that I am not a mean dog.
Mommy also says they might not let me do therapy dog training because this goes on my permanent record.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Me and Scout were out playing in the backyard and we were running and playing and having a good old time. Then we saw the mailman coming so we ran to the fence to say hello.
It was not our regular mailman, Mike, so Scout was barking extra and I was jumping on the fence extra and barking extra and Mommy was just about to grab my collar to pull me off of the fence when the mailman reached over as I jumped up and oops. I kind of bit his arm.
I didn't mean to do it! Honest! It was an accident! I wasn't trying to be bad. Sometimes it just happens.
The mailman was reaching over the fence as I was jumping up. Mike the regular mailman never does that. He usually talks to Mommy for a minute while me and Scout sit, and then he gives her the mail.
This mailman was very mad that I got my teeth on his arm. And Mommy felt terrible that it happened. He left to go call his boss and Mommy went in to call the post office and let them know what happened.
Then Mommy was crying and crying and crying so she called Dr. Hawkins because she didn't know what else to do.
And then she went down the street where the mailman was next to make sure he wasn't bleeding. I guess he has a couple of tooth marks on his arm but Mommy said it is not as bad as she thought. He will have a few tooth marks but they will not have to cut his arm off. He was nice when he saw Mommy crying and said it was OK but Mommy said it's not OK and she feels terrible.
It gets even badder. Now the dog policeman has to come over and talk to me and Mommy to see if I am a mean dog or not. Dr. Hawkins says they probably won't put me in dog jail since I didn't bite the mailman on purpose and I'm not an aggressive dog. I do not want to go to dog jail. I hope they see that I am not a mean dog.
Mommy also says they might not let me do therapy dog training because this goes on my permanent record.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Bandit visits the chickens
Mommy let me stick my head inside the chicken run today while she was taking pictures.
Me and those girls used to be friends, back when they were little chicks. Before they grew sharp, pointy beaks and learned to peck hard! While I was looking around Aunt Bea came over and pecked me really hard. It's a good thing Mommy had my collar because I would have chomped her head right off. Cranky chicken.
Me and Ethel said hello. Ethel is the nice chicken.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Me and those girls used to be friends, back when they were little chicks. Before they grew sharp, pointy beaks and learned to peck hard! While I was looking around Aunt Bea came over and pecked me really hard. It's a good thing Mommy had my collar because I would have chomped her head right off. Cranky chicken.
Me and Ethel said hello. Ethel is the nice chicken.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Bandit reviews Tricky Trainers dog treats
Me and Scout love Mommy's job because she gets in stuff for us to try out and then tell people what we think. Our friends at Cloud Star sent Mommy some Tricky Trainers for us to try, because we are in love with their Buddy Biscuits.
Mommy wrote a nice review about them for, but I thought I'd tell you how me and Scout like them.
We get a lot of treats, usually if we're good dogs. The Tricky Trainers are the treats Mommy uses when she REALLY wants us to do something, or if we're learning a new trick. That's because they taste so fantastic that we are paying very close attention to her so we can find out what she wants us to do so we can get that special treat.
Scout uses the cheddar flavor at school; his reading buddy Jason says his hands smell like ham when he's done playing with Scout. Hahaha! But if Jason has a Tricky Trainer treat, Scout will sit nice.
Mommy takes the other flavors - salmon and liver - with her to the park when she lets us run around like wild maniacs. When we get too far, she calls, Treat! and we come flying back because we know we're getting a super delicious treat and not just a crunchy biscuit.
Mommy likes that they're wheat, corn and soy free and made in the good old USA. We just like how they taste!
So go get your dog some Tricky Trainers. They're better than hot dogs and healthier, too!
Mommy says you can go to the Cloud Star website and see more stuff from our Wag More Bark Less friends. (We have that bumper sticker on Mommy's car!)
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Mommy wrote a nice review about them for, but I thought I'd tell you how me and Scout like them.
We get a lot of treats, usually if we're good dogs. The Tricky Trainers are the treats Mommy uses when she REALLY wants us to do something, or if we're learning a new trick. That's because they taste so fantastic that we are paying very close attention to her so we can find out what she wants us to do so we can get that special treat.
Scout uses the cheddar flavor at school; his reading buddy Jason says his hands smell like ham when he's done playing with Scout. Hahaha! But if Jason has a Tricky Trainer treat, Scout will sit nice.
Mommy takes the other flavors - salmon and liver - with her to the park when she lets us run around like wild maniacs. When we get too far, she calls, Treat! and we come flying back because we know we're getting a super delicious treat and not just a crunchy biscuit.
Mommy likes that they're wheat, corn and soy free and made in the good old USA. We just like how they taste!
So go get your dog some Tricky Trainers. They're better than hot dogs and healthier, too!
Mommy says you can go to the Cloud Star website and see more stuff from our Wag More Bark Less friends. (We have that bumper sticker on Mommy's car!)
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Shasta found a forever home!
Mommy called the Rochester Animal Services today to see if Shasta has been adopted or sent to another shelter, because her video isn't on the website anymore.
And YAY! Shasta has a forever home!!!
Don't forget that if you want to adopt a snuggly puppy or kitty, visit the Rochester Animal Services. They have a lot of cats that need homes.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
And YAY! Shasta has a forever home!!!
Don't forget that if you want to adopt a snuggly puppy or kitty, visit the Rochester Animal Services. They have a lot of cats that need homes.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The mystery of the empty pool
A crime has been committed and me and Scout want to find the bad guy who did it.
Mommy was playing water dog with us this morning, and she set the sprinkler up to fill our pool. We got good and wet and then we shut off the water and went in the house for breakfast.
All afternoon we were inside and outside and inside and outside and inside and outside, but me and Scout were mostly barking at Kona and Killian so we didn't even look in the pool.
But at dinnertime, Mommy said, Hey guys! Where did all of the water go?
Me and Scout looked and eeeek!! Someone stole all of the water out of our pool!
Me and Scout talked about it and we don't know who could have taken all of that water without us knowing. We didn't see anyone with buckets and we don't think the chipmunks can drink that much.
Then Scout said that it must have been an elephant, because elephants can put a lot of water into their snouts and then snort it out later.
So we're on the lookout for the elephant who stole the water from our pool. He is probably a very tricky elephant, because he managed to steal the water from our pool without leaving footprints in the mud.
If you see him, please tell him to bring back the water because we want to play water dog. We will not tell the police or the circus about him.
PS: Mommy just told me and Scout that there is a hole in the pool and that the water leaked out. We think the elephant probably poked the hole with his tusk.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Mommy was playing water dog with us this morning, and she set the sprinkler up to fill our pool. We got good and wet and then we shut off the water and went in the house for breakfast.
All afternoon we were inside and outside and inside and outside and inside and outside, but me and Scout were mostly barking at Kona and Killian so we didn't even look in the pool.
But at dinnertime, Mommy said, Hey guys! Where did all of the water go?
Me and Scout looked and eeeek!! Someone stole all of the water out of our pool!
Me and Scout talked about it and we don't know who could have taken all of that water without us knowing. We didn't see anyone with buckets and we don't think the chipmunks can drink that much.
Then Scout said that it must have been an elephant, because elephants can put a lot of water into their snouts and then snort it out later.
So we're on the lookout for the elephant who stole the water from our pool. He is probably a very tricky elephant, because he managed to steal the water from our pool without leaving footprints in the mud.
If you see him, please tell him to bring back the water because we want to play water dog. We will not tell the police or the circus about him.
PS: Mommy just told me and Scout that there is a hole in the pool and that the water leaked out. We think the elephant probably poked the hole with his tusk.
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Bandit writes to Bo Obama about barking,the state dinner, and why he needs a vacation
Hey Bo! It's your pal, Bandit! I was reading your blog today.
Boo on your daddy the President for kicking you out of the Executive Office for barking. You were only doing your job!
Doesn't he know that maybe you were reminding him it was time to take a break? Or maybe one of the visitors smelled like a big meanie and you were warning him. Or maybe you were so happy you couldn't keep it in and had to bark it out. It doesn't matter. We're dogs. We bark.
And don't feel bad about not getting invited to the White House state dinner. We didn't get invited to Uncle Al and Roxanne's wedding either. The food people were way too worried about worms and germs and stuff like that. I don't know what they ate at the state dinner, but I sure hope your daddy the President brought you home some leftovers or saved you some plates to lick.
I saw pictures of what you were doing while your family was eating dinner. It looks like you were having a very, very boring time walking with the man in the suit. Where's the frisbee? Where's the ball? Where's the fun?
Bo, I think maybe you should come here and stay for a while. You need a vacation. At our house, you get to eat dinner with the family and lick the dinner plates. You get to play catch, and bark at the other dogs in the neighborhood, and run around like a maniac. And you get to sleep in the bed and it doesn't matter if your paws are dirty.
Let me know when you want to come and visit. We'll run in the park together and have some good times. And we can even ask old Abe Lincoln's ghost if he wants to come, too. He's probably not having any fun in the White House either.
Your pal,
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Boo on your daddy the President for kicking you out of the Executive Office for barking. You were only doing your job!
Doesn't he know that maybe you were reminding him it was time to take a break? Or maybe one of the visitors smelled like a big meanie and you were warning him. Or maybe you were so happy you couldn't keep it in and had to bark it out. It doesn't matter. We're dogs. We bark.
And don't feel bad about not getting invited to the White House state dinner. We didn't get invited to Uncle Al and Roxanne's wedding either. The food people were way too worried about worms and germs and stuff like that. I don't know what they ate at the state dinner, but I sure hope your daddy the President brought you home some leftovers or saved you some plates to lick.
I saw pictures of what you were doing while your family was eating dinner. It looks like you were having a very, very boring time walking with the man in the suit. Where's the frisbee? Where's the ball? Where's the fun?
Bo, I think maybe you should come here and stay for a while. You need a vacation. At our house, you get to eat dinner with the family and lick the dinner plates. You get to play catch, and bark at the other dogs in the neighborhood, and run around like a maniac. And you get to sleep in the bed and it doesn't matter if your paws are dirty.
Let me know when you want to come and visit. We'll run in the park together and have some good times. And we can even ask old Abe Lincoln's ghost if he wants to come, too. He's probably not having any fun in the White House either.
Your pal,
Visit Mommy's new blog, Notes From The Funny Farm, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
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