It's official. Me and Scout are BOTH therapy dogs!
I got my official therapy dog ID card in the mail today. Mommy said that now we can find a place for me to to therapy and maybe a new place for Scout since he didn't really like being in school.
I have to remember to be really good when I do therapy. No peeing on stuff and no eating stuff. I'm actually a pretty good boy when I go out to visit people. And I look pretty in my new moo cow collar and leash. So I'm going to be a good therapy dog.
Mommy said me and Scout both need baths because we stink like the stinkiest things in the whole wide world, and stinky dogs are not allowed to do therapy. I don't know if I'm going to like being a therapy dog if I have to have baths. But I get to go places in the dogmobile with Mommy, so maybe I will after all!!
If you need a therapy dog to come to visit you and snuggle you and make you smile, you just let me and Scout know and we'll be there to give you therapy!
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Merry Christmas!!
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Two pups waiting for Santa |
Murphy tried to wake us up, but Mommy wouldn't let us get out of bed. Murphy made noise and made noise and ripped up the garbage can bags. But Mommy said, "Stay!" whenever me and Scout tried to run downstairs. Rats. Santa is my pal and I wanted to say hello to him and his reindeers.
Anyway, on Christmas Day, me and Scout opened some presents. We got new collars and leashes. That is like people getting socks. My new collar and leash are green and they have moo cows and Scout's are blue and red and have bones and hearts. They are supposed to be guaranteed if they get chewed. So I ate my leash.
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This is my new leash. Daddy took this pictured with his new camera. |
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This is my new leash about eleventeen minutes later. |
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Scout likes to open presents. When he finished with his, he opened Cassie's. |
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I opened my present and then tried to get Daddy to give me some of his breakfast. |
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This is Uncle Ryan! |
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Even Daddy has some fun! |
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Grandma and Nana. Nana moved. She's not always blurry. |
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Grandpa Art is telling Cassie a big fish story. |
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Nana didn't move this time. And look, Officer Steve came over on his dinner break! |
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Daddy had some fun with his new camera. He took this silly picture of me and my tongue. |
I think they should bring Lily next time and we can get into some good trouble.
Anyway, everyone drank lots of wine and ate lots of food and had lots of laughs and it was some good times.
Then yesterday, we napped all day. It's super c-c-c-cold outside again today and Mommy said, "Let's stay in our jammies and snuggle." Except me and Scout want to go romp and play.
And guess what? The chickens are laying A LOT of eggs! Lucy and Ethel started laying eggs again so everyone else decided to lay some eggs, too. Mommy had about fortyleven million eggs in the fridge.
So we had some great times at Christmas even though me and Scout didn't get to see Santa. We got some presents and we got lots of eggs and we drank lots of wine and had lots of laughs.
Now we get to play party time again on New Year's eve!
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Grandpa Art,
Uncle Ryan

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dear Santa
Dear Santa,
That thing with the mailman was an accident. Honest.
* * * * * *
Dear Santa,
Can you take Bandit back to the North Pole with you for a while? I need a break.
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
That thing with the mailman was an accident. Honest.
* * * * * *
Dear Santa,
Can you take Bandit back to the North Pole with you for a while? I need a break.
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Mommy got the best Christmas present ever!
Flow and Brigtte, who are the mommies of our pals Kona and Killian (who we can't bark at through the fence anymore; boo), gave our Mommy THE BEST present ever.
They took stuff from my blog and turned it into a super fantastic beautiful book!!
Mommy almost cried when she saw it, because she knows how much time it took to make it and because she isn't as good a friend as she should be to deserve this great gift.
But me and Scout love it because we published a book!! Maybe we will do on a book tour on our street.
Kona and Killian have the best mommies. They are super smart and talented and are nicer than any other dog mommies we know.
Merry Christmas!!
Love Bandit, who is now a published author
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Eating shoes and emergency poop
I got very bored today and ate some stuff, like paper and an envelope and part of Mommy's shoe.
The part of the shoe I ate is not something you are supposed to eat. It's a squashy thing that goes inside and helps Mommy's feet feel happy when she walks.
I didn't eat a lot of the shoe. Just part. But now I have a tummy ache and emergency poop. That means that when I have to go outside to poop I have to go out fast. It's not a code red emergency. But it's close.
So you should know that if you are going to eat shoes, you probably are going to have emergency poop. So stay near the potty. Just in case.
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
The part of the shoe I ate is not something you are supposed to eat. It's a squashy thing that goes inside and helps Mommy's feet feel happy when she walks.
I didn't eat a lot of the shoe. Just part. But now I have a tummy ache and emergency poop. That means that when I have to go outside to poop I have to go out fast. It's not a code red emergency. But it's close.
So you should know that if you are going to eat shoes, you probably are going to have emergency poop. So stay near the potty. Just in case.
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
We got a Christmas tree
Hurry up, Daddy! We're ready to go get a tree!
Mommy and Daddy and Scout and me went to Mr. Swagler's today to get a Christmas tree. Yay! That means Santa is coming soon!
Daddy and us dogs at Mr. Swagler's.
I sat nice for a picture.
Scout likes to bury his whole head under the snow!
Me and Scout were really good. We only peed on one or two trees. And the tree man didn't even care! He said, "It's not the first time" and told us that his dogs pee on everything, too. Hahahaha!!
Daddy stuffed the tree in the truck and then stuffed us dogs in there with it.
Hmm. Smells like Christmas!
Then we went home and put it in a tree holder with water and Mommy puts lots of twinkly lights on it. If you turn off all of the lights, it's nice to sit and look at the pretty Christmas tree.
OK, Santa! We're ready!!
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Mommy takes a picture of the ghost puppy
Mommy's new camera is a super camera. It took a picture of the ghost puppy! The ghost puppy was busy taking toys out of the toy basket.
See! Everything is not always my fault!!
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
The ghost puppy pees on Mommy's leg
So me and Scout and Mommy went to the park the other day to romp in the snow. Our new pal Devo was there with his mommy.
While the mommies were talking, us dogs were romping, and someone sneaked up behind Mommy and went potty on her leg.
She didn't feel it because she had on fortyleven pairs of pants. But Devo's mommy said, "Oops, someone peed on your leg. It wasn't Devo but I don't know which other dog did it."
You know who got blamed.
I don't remember peeing on Mommy's leg. I think it was the ghost puppy again.
Bandit, who gets blamed for everything
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
While the mommies were talking, us dogs were romping, and someone sneaked up behind Mommy and went potty on her leg.
She didn't feel it because she had on fortyleven pairs of pants. But Devo's mommy said, "Oops, someone peed on your leg. It wasn't Devo but I don't know which other dog did it."
You know who got blamed.
I don't remember peeing on Mommy's leg. I think it was the ghost puppy again.
Bandit, who gets blamed for everything
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Bandit gets snow for his birthday
This is how much snow we had in our driveway yesterday.
We smooshed it all down and used it all up.
Yesterday was my birthday. I turned Terrible Two years old. We didn't have a party or a cake. But Mommy took us to the park to romp and we played with our pal Devo. There was a lot of snow and we romped and romped. Snow is like a super present!
Then later that night Mommy made caramel popcorn and let me and Scout be the official tasters. There was popcorn flying out of the popcorn machine and every time Mommy stirred the popcorn in the oven it jumped out on the floor and me and Scout ate it up. So that was like a party!
This is how much snow we had in our yard this morning!
We used up most of it, too.
We went to the park again today. It was a different park, There is A LOT more snow at this park. Up to our chins! I romped and romped and me and Scout chased snowballs. Mommy said I am getting to be a really bossy naughty dog because I bite my brother a lot. I have to work on that.
This is how much snow was at the park today.
It was up to our chins! And no one had used any of it!! Snow!
But the snow is so exciting I can't help myself! I want it all to myself!!
Snow! Snow! Snow!!
Mommy thinks that playing in the snow will wear me and Scout out and we'll take a nap. HAHAHAHA, Mommy! You're so funny. We just want more! More snow!!
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
How not to wake up your mommy
Just in case you didn't know, you are not supposed to use your teeth to tell your mommy you love her. Or give her a head butt in her eyeball. Or bark in her ears. Or sit on her upset stomach while you scratch your ears.
Love, BANDIT!!!
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Love, BANDIT!!!
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The return of the ghost puppy
Mommy went into the living room today and found that someone had put dirt and mud on the couch. I got blamed because I sleep on the couch the most. But we all know who did it.
It was the ghost puppy.
Me and Scout don't know why Mommy was mad. We think it looks prettier like this.
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Monday, November 29, 2010
How bad is a bad dog?
Mommy was talking to a nice lady today who adopted a dog from the animal shelter. The dog is a pretty dog that might be a Border Collie or he might be an Australian Shepherd or it might be a mix of both. But he is a busy dog like me. His name was Jack.
The first people who adopted Jack a couple of weeks ago brought him back this weekend. They said he was wearing them down. Hahaha! He's a Border Collie! You're going to wear down before he will!
Anyway, Jack already found a new home! The nice lady who adopted him called Mommy to talk about what she should expect. Mommy told her that Jack is a lot like me, which I think means he is a PITA pup. You know, Pain In The Place Where You Sit Down. But it also must mean he's smart and handsome and snuggly.
Snuggly is the best part, of course.
Mommy said the lady is a little nervous about Jack being a busy dog and Mommy didn't help make her feel any better. Mommy always tells people who want to get Border Collies to have their heads examined first because you have be kind of crazy to live with a crazy dog. Plus, busy dogs can be naughty dogs. But they can also be the best dogs in the world.
Here are some bad things I do:
I eat poop.
I chew tupperware lids.
I lick the dishes in the sink and eat food off the counters.
I bark.
I steal paper from Mommy's desk and shred it all into little pieces.
I chew socks.
I play Wild Maniac Dog.
I chew slippers.
I chew carpets.
I bark some more.
Here are some good things I do:
I give Mommy kisses.
I play catch.
I snuggle.
I stay out of the garbage.
I go potty outside.
I sing songs for Mommy.
I play nice with my puppy brother, Scout.
I play nice with my kitty brother, Murphy.
I keep Mommy's feet warm at night.
I help herd the chickens back into their pen and I don't bite anyone, not even cranky Mrs. Beasley.
I stay in my crate like a good boy when Mommy goes out.
I play puppy school and do all of my obedience commands.
I visit Aunt Rene's day care for children and let little children pull my tail.
I play nice at Camp Bow Wow and get A+++ on my report card.
I do the Daddy's Home Dance when Daddy comes home and make him feel special.
Mommy says the good stuff waaaay outweighs the bad stuff, and that one good puppy snuggle covers a multitude of chewed up socks.
So I hope that nice lady gives Jack the collie a chance. PITA puppies are definitely worth the work!
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
The first people who adopted Jack a couple of weeks ago brought him back this weekend. They said he was wearing them down. Hahaha! He's a Border Collie! You're going to wear down before he will!
Anyway, Jack already found a new home! The nice lady who adopted him called Mommy to talk about what she should expect. Mommy told her that Jack is a lot like me, which I think means he is a PITA pup. You know, Pain In The Place Where You Sit Down. But it also must mean he's smart and handsome and snuggly.
Snuggly is the best part, of course.
Mommy said the lady is a little nervous about Jack being a busy dog and Mommy didn't help make her feel any better. Mommy always tells people who want to get Border Collies to have their heads examined first because you have be kind of crazy to live with a crazy dog. Plus, busy dogs can be naughty dogs. But they can also be the best dogs in the world.
Here are some bad things I do:
I eat poop.
I chew tupperware lids.
I lick the dishes in the sink and eat food off the counters.
I bark.
I steal paper from Mommy's desk and shred it all into little pieces.
I chew socks.
I play Wild Maniac Dog.
I chew slippers.
I chew carpets.
I bark some more.
Here are some good things I do:
I give Mommy kisses.
I play catch.
I snuggle.
I stay out of the garbage.
I go potty outside.
I sing songs for Mommy.
I play nice with my puppy brother, Scout.
I play nice with my kitty brother, Murphy.
I keep Mommy's feet warm at night.
I help herd the chickens back into their pen and I don't bite anyone, not even cranky Mrs. Beasley.
I stay in my crate like a good boy when Mommy goes out.
I play puppy school and do all of my obedience commands.
I visit Aunt Rene's day care for children and let little children pull my tail.
I play nice at Camp Bow Wow and get A+++ on my report card.
I do the Daddy's Home Dance when Daddy comes home and make him feel special.
Mommy says the good stuff waaaay outweighs the bad stuff, and that one good puppy snuggle covers a multitude of chewed up socks.
So I hope that nice lady gives Jack the collie a chance. PITA puppies are definitely worth the work!
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving (and how to sneak an apple pie when your mommy isn't looking)
Today is Thanksgiving! Yay!
This is Tom. He's a turkey. I'm pretty sure that when Mommy invited him he knew he was going to be the main course. First Mommy gave him a bath in the kitchen sink. Then she stuffed some onions and celery up his butt. Then she plopped him into a giant pan and stuck him in the oven.
Then Scout did a bad thing. He stole a dish towel and shook it up and chewed it! Scout! The good dog did something bad! Who would have guessed?
So I figured I'd help him be badder. We played tug of war and wrecked the towel. It was great.
This is Tom. He's a turkey. I'm pretty sure that when Mommy invited him he knew he was going to be the main course. First Mommy gave him a bath in the kitchen sink. Then she stuffed some onions and celery up his butt. Then she plopped him into a giant pan and stuck him in the oven.
While Mommy did that, I helped by shredding up some paper towel in case she needed them. I also ate a whole stick of butter, which was not helpful but it tasted good.
Then Scout did a bad thing. He stole a dish towel and shook it up and chewed it! Scout! The good dog did something bad! Who would have guessed?
So I figured I'd help him be badder. We played tug of war and wrecked the towel. It was great.
Mommy couldn't set the table until it was just time to eat because Murphy was sleeping up there.
Then Grandma came. Yay!! Me and Scout were so happy to see her we jumped on her. Which we are not supposed to do. But we missed her. And she had pie in her hands. I like pie.
Then everyone sat down to dinner. Mommy, Daddy and Grandma. Me and Scout were good. Murphy kept jumping on the table and Mommy kept shoving him off. I tried to tell Murphy that isn't how you get fed at dinner. You have to wait until everyone is almost all done eating, and then give everyone the sad puppy face.
I went to Grandma and said, "Hello, Grandma. You're the best Grandma. Can I help you finish anything on your plate?" And Scout went to Daddy and said, "Psst. How about sneaking me a piece of turkey when Mommy isn't looking?"
Mommy washed the dishes and made coffee, and Murphy helped Grandma crochet. Me and Scout had some turkey in our Kongs.
And then came the best part: DESSERT! Murphy sat at the table with Daddy and Grandma.
Remember, I already tasted the pie crusts yesterday. But I was definitely going to get some pie today. Here is how you sneak pie.
First, you pretend like the turkey you just ate made you very tired. You sit by your mommy and let your eyelids open and close and open and close and then you lie down and yawn like you are so tired you can't stay awake any more.
Your mommy will think that you are sound asleep. But when she gets up to fill the coffee, that's when you make your move! Quick, eat as much pie as you can before Mommy gets back!
When Mommy comes back she says, "BANDIT! You bad dog! Wait, let me take a picture."
And then you eat some more. Mommy cut out the parts of the pie with dog spit and she let the chickens eat them. She let me and Scout have a few more nibbles too, since Scout didn't get any pie. It was pretty good apple pie. I think the dog licks on the pie crust helped a lot.
And that's how our Thanksgiving went today! Grandma went home to take a nap. Daddy is watching football. Mommy is getting ready to take a nap. Cassie didn't even come over because she had to work tonight. Me and Scout had turkey and pie. It was a great day!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How much whine does a dog need?
Mommy says I am being whiney. That's because I have spent a lot of time today sitting at the door whining and barking and yipping. When Mommy comes to let me out, I just sit there and look at her. I don't want to go out because I have to go potty.
Scout can't romp because his leg is still ouchy. I sent Dali home because she was being bossy. Murphy is sleeping on the kitchen table. Daddy is hunting. And Mommy is trying to write a story.
The only way I can get Mommy's attention is to sit at the door and make noise. Yip! Yip!
I want someone to play with me! Someone play with me now! Pleeeeeeeeeze.
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Scout can't romp because his leg is still ouchy. I sent Dali home because she was being bossy. Murphy is sleeping on the kitchen table. Daddy is hunting. And Mommy is trying to write a story.
The only way I can get Mommy's attention is to sit at the door and make noise. Yip! Yip!
I want someone to play with me! Someone play with me now! Pleeeeeeeeeze.
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Dr Mommy takes care of the animals
This is me, checking in at Camp Bow Wow.
Sign me up for some fun, please!
Today Mommy played Dr Mommy for Scout and Dali while I went to Camp Bow Wow and had adventures. Scout's hip is still ouchy, so he can't run and play. And Dali came over to our house after her fixing surgery and paw surgery.
Which meant I was going to have a boring day if I stayed home.
First, Mommy and me went to Aunt Rene's day camp for children to bring her some eggs. The kids were very touchy today. They pulled my tail and squished my face and one kid bonked me in the head with a plastic bat.
Then I went to day camp for dogs. My friends Weegee and Diego weren't there today but there were enough other dogs to have some good times. Lindsey told Mommy I played with my girlfriend Trixie. Blech. Girlfriends are blechy, except for Mommy. Trixie is just my pal. Like Abby.
While I was at camp, Mommy did not go home and watch me on the spy camera like she usually does.
Instead she went to the store, picked Dali up from Dr Bs and brought her to our house, gave Dali and Scout medicine, warmed Scout's bed in the dryer so his hips would feel better, and did some other Dr Mommy type stuff. Then she picked me up from camp and went home to pick up diarrhea poop because Dali was sick in the house. Poor Dali.
I've been a super good boy. I didn't make any mess or cause any problems at all all day. But Dali went into the basement and stuck her whole head in Murphy's litter box and came up with litter box stuff all over her face. Ick, Dali! We're not allowed in the basement! Her Mommy wiped her face with baby wipes.
Scout fell sound asleep on the couch. He snuggled under the blankies like a baby. I hope he feels better soon. I need someone to wrestle with.
The good part of being home with sick dogs is that we got rice and beef for dinner. Yummy.
Anyway, Mommy gets to play Dr. Mommy again tomorrow. Dali has tranquilizers to keep her calm. Scout has medicine to make his hip not ouchy. Mommy asked the vet is she could have some sleeping pills for all the dogs and a few for herself, too. Hahaha, Mommy! You're so funny.
Bandit, the goodest dog of the day
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Scout ouched his hip today
This is my brother Scout. He ouched his hip
when he slipped on the wet leaves.
He couldn't walk without stopping to chew on his leg, so Mommy took Scout to see the doctor.
Dr. B was busy because today Dali went in to get fixed and Dr B was the fixer doctor. I don't know what was broken, but Dr B will fix her right up. And Dr. Hawkins is out of work having her baby (I hope it's a puppy!), so Scout saw Dr. Herrema.
When Scout got to the doctor he stopped chewing and pretended like nothing was wrong because he didn't want to get poked with needles. Mommy thought Scout was faking and maybe he didn't need to see the doctor. But she waited anyway.
Dr. Herrema didn't give Scout needles, which was good. He did check out Scout's legs really good though to see where it hurt. And Scout wasn't faking.
Dr. Herrema decided that Scout maybe has been having ouchy hips for a little while and today he ouched it more when he slipped. So Scout has to take some un-ouching medicine and rest for a week. No running or jumping or wrestling.
Which is good because Dali is coming to stay with us after she gets fixed and she has to rest, too. No running or jumping or wrestling for her either.
So everyone has to rest except me. I think things are going to be boring around here for a while.
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Dr Braaten,
Dr Hawkins,
Dr Herrema,

Monday, November 8, 2010
Bandit goes to day camp and Scout is glad
Today the fence guys came to make noise in the backyard, so Mommy sent me to Camp Bow Wow for a while to have some romping time with my friends instead of having barking time with Scout.
Scout doesn't like going to camp because he only likes a few dogs at one time. Ninetyleven dogs is too many for him. But not for me!
I got to see my best friend, Lindsay. She works at Camp Bow Wow. She has biscuits. She loves me.
Yay, Lindsay! I love you, too!!
Mommy got to watch me playing with some of my camp pals on the secret spy cameras.
I played at camp with my pals Diego and Weegee and sang songs and played in the water dish (which is not a bad thing at camp!). When it was time to go home, I got a report card that said I was a good boy. I got 5 Tail Wags, which is like an A+.
Lindsay should have marked my report card with "I had so much fun playing at camp, I need to go home and take a nap" because I fell asleep in the car on the way home. I was too tired to put my tongue in my mouth.
Scout likes alone time with Mommy. I found out later that while I was at camp he got to sit in the navigator seat in the dogmobile and tell Mommy how to drive. Hey, that's my job! He also told me Mommy took him to the park to play fetch without me. Boo.
When I left for camp, this is how the fence looked.
When I got home, this is how the fence looked! Hey, we can't see Sasha and Steeley or Kona and Killian anymore! Someone forgot to put a dog window in the fence!
You should ask your mommy if you can go to camp. Dogs need romping time.
Visit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
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