Friday, May 28, 2010

Bo Obama does get to ride on Air Force One!

Hey Bo! How are you doing, paw pal?

I just read a news story about how you got to ride on Air Force One and how you ran away from your daddy the President and made a break for the back of the plane and surprised all of the reporters.

HAHAHAHAHA!!! That's hilarious! You and me would have some fun times together.

But if you really want to get away, you have to run when you're off the plane. Like Paco, the dog who ran away in Mexico and is living it up with his Mexican senorita puppy. If you run while you're still on the plane you'll only get as far as the bathroom.

But you have to be careful. John Travolta's dogs got killed at the airport last week. So watch out for wheels when you get ready to run.

The article also said that you had a barking match with the Secret Service K9 dog. Just in case you didn't know, K9 dogs are not friendly.

Daddy's friend Cuyler has a K9 police dog (and his name is Bandit, too). I met the other Bandit once. He is all work, no play. And he is a tough dog. He got half his ear bit off in a fight this week. I don't know if the Secret Service dogs are as scary as the police dogs, but if I were you I'd stay away from them. Just in case.

Anyway, have fun on Air Force One! Shed all over and chew up some seats!

Make sure the flight attendant gives you some wings for your collar. And get some extra peanuts, too. Just in case you get hungry later.

Bark to you later!
Your pal,

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